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Summer Is Waning – Are You Prepared for Autumn Sales?

Aug 09, 2021 Olympic Eyewear


It is no secret that summer is peak season for men's and women's sunglasses. You sell more kid's sunglasses during the summer months, too. But now, summer 2021 is waning. Schools in some southern states are already in session. Almost everyone else goes back after Labor Day. What does that mean to you? It means that it is time to begin preparing for autumn sales.

Even though summer is peak season, you need to sell your designer sunglasses year-round to stay in business. Do not look at the end of summer as the end of your revenue for the year. Rather, look at it as an opportunity to transition into fall. And from there, transition into the busy holiday shopping season.

We recommend doing three things over the next several weeks:

  • Ordering your fall stock
  • Planning your autumn sales events
  • Start thinking about Christmas season marketing.

Ordering Your Fall Stock

Being in the retail business, you know how important it is to order wholesale sunglasses well in advance of when you'll need them. Do not wait until the first week of October to stock your shelves for fall. Place your orders today. That will guarantee you get your product in time to meet customer demand. Incidentally, we recently put together another blog post detailing what we believe will be the trends for this fall. Be sure to check it out.

When you order, do not forget to include at least some of the standard products that perform well throughout the year. You always need some of those styles to satisfy customers who don't chase seasonal trends.

Planning Autumn Sales Events

It seems like a lot of retailers do not take full advantage of the fall season. They fail to see the potential in fall as the favorite season for so many people. Do not make that mistake. Instead, home in on what makes this time of year special to so many people. From cooler temperatures to colorful leaves and Halloween celebrations, fall offers a lot of opportunities to market designer sunglasses.

We recommend at least doing a Halloween promotion. Thanksgiving is technically part of fall as well, so consider some sort of promotion around that theme. In between, market your sunglasses around what makes autumn unique.

Also bear in mind that some of your customers will be looking at new sunglasses in advance of the ski season. In some of the higher elevations, snow starts flying by the end of October. You are going to want to have new sunglasses in the hands of your slope-bound customers before they head out for their annual ski trips.

Start Thinking About Christmas

Even though this post was written in August, we are already thinking about Christmas here at Olympic Eyewear. We have to. It takes us time to prepare for the increased sales we know are coming. You are in the same boat. You're going to need to purchase extra lots of wholesale sunglasses in preparation for the Christmas shopping season.

Start thinking now about what you might need come December. Definitely consider your Christmas sales from last year, but just remember that 2020 was an aberration due to the COVID pandemic. Chances are you are going to do much better this year.

We sincerely hope you had a fantastic summer season. Now that summer's days are waning, it's time to start thinking about the transition to fall. Make this autumn the best ever with fall-themed marketing and special events. The more you can connect with people who love autumn, the more designer sunglasses you will sell.

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