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Sunglasses Marketing

  • How to Market Sunglasses to Prolific Hat Wearers

    You can carry all the finest wholesale sunglasses in the world and never reach a key sub-group within your chosen demographic. That sub-group consists of prolific hat wearers. Even the best-looking wholesale designer sunglasses in your inventory may not be enough to break through their dependence on headgear to protect their faces against the sun. We want you to know that there are ways to success...

  • Wrap Arounds Sunglasses with Built-In Marketing Features

    Marketing is one of your biggest challenges as an eyewear retailer, right? There is so much competition to cut through that you are constantly struggling to find the right marketing messages. We get it. Marketing is a big part of selling wholesale sunglasses, too. But consider wrap-around sunglasses. They have marketing features built right in. Wrap-around sunglasses are a particular style featu...

  • How to Sell Sunglasses to Impulse Buyers

    Wholesale sunglasses are not something people buy on impulse. As a distributor of men's and women's wholesale sunglasses, we are fully aware that our customers plan their purchases. But things are different for retailers. In the retail setting, a good portion of sales are attributable to impulse buyers who see a nice pair of sunglasses and buy them. Are you an eyewear retailer? If so, a certain ...

  • Amazon ASIN for Wholesale Sunglasses Stores

    Some of the retailers who purchase wholesale bulk sunglasses from Olympic Eyewear undoubtedly go on to sell them on Amazon. Other platforms, like eBay and Etsy, are pretty popular too. But given that Amazon dominates online retail, we thought it might be helpful to address one of the most vexing aspects of selling there: the ASIN. ASIN is an acronym that stands for 'Amazon Standard Identificatio...

  • How to Use Content Marketing to Boost Your Sunglasses Sales

    Succeeding in business requires consistent marketing. The need to market is as important to designer sunglasses as it is to any other product. Although we like to say that sunglasses sell themselves, you still need to market your brand. And one way to do that is through content marketing. Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach that utilizes different forms of digital media to reach ...

  • What Gives an Eyewear/Sunglasses Brand Long Term Staying Power

    Long-term staying power is just as important in the eyewear industry as any other. As an industry player yourself, you know that there are some very strong brands that seem like they have been around forever. Then there are those lesser-known brands that have not been around as long but very well could be at some point. What is the key? How do they achieve that long-term staying power? Let us be...

  • The Question of Free Shipping in Sunglasses & E-commerce

    Shipping is the bane of existence for many e-commerce operators. We have heard for years that both wholesale and retail customers want fast and free shipping. That is not necessarily a problem for big-name operators whose annual sales are in the tens of millions of dollars. Offering both isn't so easy for smaller operators. How do you feel about fast and free shipping? Perhaps you are willing to o...

  • How to Use Consumer Education As a Marketing Tool for Wholesale Sunglasses

    Your business model relies heavily on buying bulk sunglasses at discount prices and then finding ways to market them to retail customers. Buying wholesale sunglasses is the easy part. You just visit the Olympic Eyewear website, shop a bit, and place an order. Marketing is the harder part. Have you ever considered marketing with consumer education? Consumer education has been a marketing tool in ...