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Peak Season for Sunglasses Is Here

Jun 12, 2023 Olympic Eyewear


As this post is being put together, the final days of spring are at hand. It will not be long before the June solstice and the official start of summer. We know what that means, right? Of course. It means peak season for sunglasses. The most profitable season for our industry is here! Now it's time to make the most of it.

Being a leading distributor of wholesale sunglasses, there are certain strategies we employ to maximize the amount of product that we get into the hands of our customers. Likewise, you have your own strategies for boosting retail sales. Now is the time to up the ante and supercharge your marketing efforts. We have a few suggestions we hope will help.

1. Hit Social Media Hard

One of your best marketing tools this time of year is social media. Summer is the perfect season to showcase your designer sunglasses with photographs depicting the action-packed summer lifestyle. We are talking pictures of people wearing sunglasses on the beach, strolling through the park, hiking local trails, etc.

Mix in a special promotion here and there. Post a few pieces of interesting content discussing ways your customers might get out and about to take full advantage of summer weather. The point is to get them excited about being outside. Because when they go out, they need their sunglasses. If you need to restock your inventory with wholesale sunglasses, we have plenty of options for bulk sunglasses orders.

2. Hook up with Some Local Influencers

Are there any people in your local area who would be considered influencers? If so, you might consider hitting them up and seeing if you can work out some sort of deal. The right influencers can reach your target audience in unique ways that just aren't possible through traditional marketing methods.

The idea is to have influencers showcase your sunglasses in their social media posts. They will take pictures of themselves wearing your shades. They will influence their followers to consider what you have on offer.

3. Create Content Around Outdoor Activities

Always remember that not all your marketing efforts need to be direct. The content you produce for your website and social media channels doesn't always have to be built on the hard sell concept. Try a little soft selling. A good way to do that is to create content around outdoor activities.

Write a post about recreational cycling. Put together an infographic that explains the most popular summertime activities in your area. Once again, you want to get people thinking about enjoying summer and its many opportunities.

4. Hit up Some Local Events to Sell Your Wholesale Sunglasses

As consumers ourselves, one of our favorite things to do during summer is hit up local food festivals, music festivals, and the like. We see all sorts of retailers selling their wares at summer events. Why can't you be one of them?

It has been our experience that event organizers often have to beg for vendors. That is not always the case, but it's rare for a summer event to be fully booked with vendors a week after registration opens. Most events are still looking for vendors a few weeks out. Our advice to you is to look around. See what's happening in your community and get on board.

To wrap it all up, taking advantage of peak season to sell designer sunglasses is all about visibility. It is great that you can buy wholesale sunglasses from us to keep your inventory stock. But the best wholesale pricing and designs in the world don't offer maximum value if you're not getting your message out there. Go make yourself and your brand visible. Take advantage of peak season!

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