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Great Reasons for Wearing Sunglasses Beyond UV Protection

Sep 23, 2022 Olympic Eyewear


Marketing wholesale sunglasses at the retail level is all about making that connection with consumers. It is about giving them reasons to buy rather than walk by your store or navigate to another site. The good news is that there are plenty of things to talk about.

Obviously, the number one reason for wearing sunglasses is to protect the eyes against UV rays. Also known as ultraviolet rays, they can easily penetrate cloud cover. Quality sunglasses include a special UV coating that blocks the rays whether it's sunny or overcast.

This is all well and good, but what other reasons are there for wearing sunglasses? Below are a few we ran across doing our own marketing research. They all qualify as selling points when you are marketing designer sunglasses for men, women, and children.

Protection From the Environment

UV rays are not the only outdoor threat to a person's eyes. There is also dirt, airborne debris, insects, and so forth. Even the wind can be problematic in that it can dry out the eyes considerably. Sunglasses offer good protection from all these things.

Did you know that pro and amateur cyclists wear wraparound sunglasses for this very reason? Flying down the road at a high rate of speed puts their eyes at risk for more than just UV rays. Sunglasses protect their eyes from the environment.

Possible Anti-Aging Benefits

Age has a way of creeping up on all of us. And as we age, it shows in our faces. Guess what? The same UV rays that can damage your eyes can also damage the skin around the eyes. The result is often crow's feet and other unsightly blemishes.

A larger pair of sunglasses that covers a good portion of the skin around the eyes would seem to have anti-aging benefits. They keep UV rays away which, in turn, might help prevent all those wrinkles and sunspots.

Protection Following Medical Procedures

Sunglasses are almost always recommended after ophthalmological exams and surgical procedures. From cataracts to Lasik surgery to a simple eye exam, such procedures leave the eyes vulnerable to both direct sunlight and UV rays. That's why optometrists now offer cheap, disposable sunglasses they give to their patients following a visit.

Headache and Migraine Protection

Have you ever noticed that spending too much time outdoors without sunglasses causes headaches? That's because you squint. Squinting is a natural reaction that almost everyone has to bright light. Sunglasses solve that problem. Wearing sunglasses means no more squinting.

Another angle you can discuss is the migraine headache. Unfortunately, migraine sufferers cannot always predict when an attack is coming. By keeping a pair of sunglasses handy though, they can minimize the effects of bright light when one hits. If you suffer from migraines, you know how helpful that is.

Completing a Stylish Look

All the previous reasons for wearing sunglasses are practical in nature. This last one is more aesthetic. Here it is – many of your customers choose their sunglasses based on their style preferences. They know a good pair can complete whatever look they are trying to achieve.

You already know that there are plenty of great reasons, beyond UV protection, for wearing sunglasses. Now you need to educate your customers. It's great to talk about UV protection, and you should do so religiously. It is the most important reason.

At the same time, don't stop with UV protection. Highlight every good reason that you can think of. The reasons offered in this post are just a starting point. The more you can think of, the more opportunities you will have to sell.

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