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Selling Sunglasses on Amazon: 3 Important Things to Know

Apr 28, 2023 Olympic Eyewear


Retailers who purchase men's and women's sunglasses in bulk from Olympic Eyewear have plenty of options for turning around and selling them. We're guessing some of our retailers sell on Amazon. That's a good choice as Amazon is clearly the world's leading ecommerce operation. But selling on Amazon does come with some strings.

It is possible to make a good living selling sunglasses on Amazon. In fact, you could make a good living selling just about anything on that platform if you knew how to reach your customers and build your brand. To that end, there are some important things to know if a seller wants to maximize the opportunities Amazon offers. Three of those things are explained below.

1. Listings Need to Be Optimized

Thanks to third-party sellers, Amazon has become a monstrous online marketplace with a global reach. This is both good and bad for sellers. If you were to decide to sell designer sunglasses on Amazon, you would be up against plenty of competition. That leads us to the very first thing you need to know: your listings need to be optimized for the Amazon platform.

Amazon uses an internal search engine to help customers find the products they want. Someone looking for designer sunglasses would use that search engine the same way they might use Google. However, the way Amazon's algorithms rank listings differs somewhat from Google's methods. Listings need to be optimized according to how Amazon ranks.

2. Amazon Cares Deeply About Authenticity

Amazon works extremely hard to protect its reputation. As such, they expect third-party sellers to be 100% authentic all the time. What does that mean? First, it means not selling counterfeit products. It is a bad idea to purchase cheap designer sunglasses in bulk and then try to pass them off as high-end brands on Amazon. Amazon does not tolerate counterfeit products.

The second aspect of the authenticity equation relates to being honest and transparent in your listings. Do not promise what your products cannot deliver. Don't give customers any reason to doubt quality. Amazon doesn't take kindly to customer complaints about poor quality, service, etc.

3. Sellers Are Bound By Certain Rules

Finally, sellers choosing to utilize Amazon are bound by a long list of rules governing everything from product descriptions to customer communications. The rules apply equally whether you sell men's and women's sunglasses, cell phone cases, or sporting goods. Every seller must play by the rules.

Some of the rules can be difficult to understand. And depending on how you choose to sell, navigating those rules can be tricky. The good news is that Amazon isn't looking to punish sellers who run astray every now and again. However, they are not afraid to suspend the accounts of sellers who persistently break the rules.

Consulting Services Can Help

Our business here at Olympic Eyewear is wholesale sunglasses. That is what we know and do. We don't know enough about selling on Amazon to thoroughly explain how to do it. But if Amazon is your thing, it's a great platform for selling men's and women's sunglasses. You might find professional consulting services helpful in your endeavor to master the platform.

Regardless of how you choose to sell, make sure you are offering your customers what they want. Give them the designer sunglasses they are asking for at a price that makes them smile. The better you're able to do that, the easier it will be for you to build your brand across whatever sales channels you choose to utilize. And if Amazon's one of them, do what it takes to do Amazon right.

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