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Keyword Research and Its Relationship to Selling Sunglasses

Jan 12, 2024 Olympic Eyewear


How much do you know about keyword research as a selling tool? How much do you know about its relationship to selling sunglasses? Here is hoping you know enough that this post will serve as little more than a refresher. But if not, you are about to learn something particularly important about selling in the modern marketplace.

One of our goals here at Olympic Eyewear is to help you sell more sunglasses. We want you to sell more men's, women's, and kid's sunglasses year-round. Every sale you make represents more bulk sunglasses you can buy from us. We both win in the end.

To win though, we both need to reach our target audiences. Enter keyword research. Given that almost all marketing is done online these days, it is a tool every eyewear retailer should be aware of and know how to use. Either that, or retailers need to hire SEO experts to manage digital marketing on their behalf.

You Buy Bulk Sunglasses From Us

Let us start with the basic premise of you buying bulk sunglasses from us. How did you find us online? In all likelihood, you found us by way of a Google or Bing search. That was only made possible by our ongoing SEO efforts. The fuel of those efforts is keyword research.

We have utilized a number of different keywords throughout this post. Our two primary keywords are 'keyword research' and 'bulk sunglasses'. In addition, our goal with this post is to ensure that it ranks as high as possible in organic search results for these two particular keywords. Chances are that most people wanting to know how to market sunglasses online will make use of the two terms.

You Sell Sunglasses to Consumers

You turn around and take the bulk sunglasses you purchase from us and sell them to retail customers. You are going to reach them online the same way we have reached you: through blog posts, guest posts, and other digital marketing strategies. All those strategies rely on creating content around the keywords your customers are most likely to search for.

That is what keyword research is all about. It is about figuring out how your customers would find you online. It's about knowing the terms they would search, the questions they might ask, etc. Find the right keywords and your chances of reaching that target audience go up significantly.

The Biggest Bang for Your Buck

The thing about keyword research is that you want to get the biggest bang for your buck, so to speak. For example, research might indicate that 'designer sunglasses' is the most commonly searched term for your target audience. Yet it might not be the best keyword choice for every piece of content you produce. Why? Because your competitors are likely using the same keyword. If a hundred of you are all using it, you are not all going to rank on that coveted first page of search results.

This is to say that there may be other keywords that are just as effective but not used as much by your competitors. You will probably get more mileage out of them. Keyword research will tell you as much – at least if you know how to do it effectively.

Keyword research is critical to our ability to sell bulk sunglasses. It is also critical to your ability to reach your customers. We urge you to learn how to do keyword research properly. If you do not have the time or interest, hook up with an SEO or digital marketing expert who can do it for you. It will pay off in the long run.

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